"Stop applying old busted cranky ass thoughts to make excuses why you can do it right”
Love it!!!
My add; How have those been working out for you so far and are you ready to stop it now and think how amazing it's going to be, to be so in love with myself that I will do everything it takes to have my best interests at heart.
please remind me of this
I am likely to forget this wisdom from time to time when I am stuck in whatever Crappy thought loop I am having in the moment and I can’t always get perspective on my own. So many people fail ahead of time. They have an amazing idea but decide that there are too many factors for it to work out the way they imagine it, so they quit before they start. Some people do this in their relationships, others in their career. They are so afraid that if their plans don't work out then it will mean they have wasted their time or that they are broken in some way.
Where in your life do you remember that you had a fantastic and idea that brought you joy and excitement and when you shared it the feedback was not as enthusiastic as you would have hoped, or as positive. Did you immediately convince yourself that the others were right, you were not and abandon it entirely?
The thing that I teach my clients that has helped many of them, is that the fear and doubt that comes up before doing something new is SUPPOSED to be there. It’s just part of the complete process of doing new and maybe unfamiliar things and it doesn't mean there is something wrong, in fact it means your brain is working properly. The decision is always yours, and the minute you elect to do or attempt something unfamiliar and new, guess what, those cranky old thoughts are all going to be there. It’s one of the reasons some of you who wait for the "right time" will often wait forever and others of you may bury you ideas and dreams and never risk getting started.
It is only you who can allow the fear and doubt to be in the picture and then you decide to take those steps and find out lies ahead, no matter what your fearful mind tells you, what others may think, this is what moving forward in your passions is about.
Winning is progress, failure is really just findin out one more way it didn't work.
When it comes to life lessons, I believe this is an important one for all ages, if you want to find out more and how to learn these lessons for yourself. Book now, I want to share all of the tools I have learned with you.