Life is like a bowl of cherries

“If life is like a bowl of cherries what am I doing in the pits” Erma Bombeck.

I loved this book, her insight, her humour, in fact I am going to re-read it just to remind myself why I enjoyed it so much way back when I first read it.

Today I was inspired to share some of the more regular things I do to manage my life more effectively for myself.

The morning starts off great, full of wonderful intentions, plans for the day that are positive and satisfying all is well and then it hits... the second guessing, confusion, uncertainty, fear and that lovely day starts turning into a bit of a nightmare...and I have not even gotten out of bed.

How does this happen so fast?

In reality I was just doing my daily thought download and decided to share it, I doubt I am unique or alone either.

When I started doing this work, I realized I was only conscious of thinking about busy work and a laundry list of plans for the day for myself and everyone else around me. I thought this was enough and was not even aware of how limited and often negative my thoughts were. I imagined all sorts of bad outcomes or derailments and did my best to solve them ahead of time. How busy I was, saving myself and my loved ones from all those pitfalls. No wonder I needed help, what I got was even better. I got coached and found incredible tools and learned that without the pit there would be no cherry anyway, our lives are supposed to be 50/50. Learning this was a game changer for me. I began to be way more aware of the difference between facts and the stories I was telling myself about a situation, I also started to recognize that my brains unconscious default was to always see the negative and it was just my thoughts causing me the stress, pain and discomfort in my life. I learned to become aware first and then to change my story.

Today, as I more consciously think through my day, I savour the amazing joy of the fruit more and knowing they are there anyway I now carefully discard the pits one at a time. So much easier than worrying about breaking a tooth. Hope you get the metaphor, it made me laugh when I though of it.

I hope you too can find a way to enjoy the whole fruit.