sandwich generation help

Another day another Doctor’s appointment

Another day another Doctor’s appointment

Over the 19 plus years my MIL lived with us after FIL passed away, Our daughter
was under two. I was trying to keep up with everyoneʼs appointments including my
own work and decided that after a couple of years it was just going to have to
change. It was a challenge to say the least, MIL did not enjoy change and coming
from a lifetime of being in control of everyone and everything, losing some of that
autonomy was hard on both of us. In time we learned to speak frankly to each
other, laugh at each otherʼs special personality traits and we got on pretty

The circle of life

The circle of life

The circle of life

Parenting is a circle. Some days the circle is leisurely. No demands and everyone is well. Then in a flash it’s a full race putting out fires in the circle. 
This was an apt description by a beautiful lady who was stretched between two opposing caregiving demands. Her child in hospital and miles away but constantly on the telephone her demanding parent needing reassurance that she was not abandoned.